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Manual Safeties Dangerous? Really?

Last year an instructor told me, “I’ve had well-trained people forget to remove their safety under stress.” I responded, “No, you haven’t.”

See, to my way of thinking a well-trained person will remove the safety every time they need to without thinking about it. Because training. Under stress we do what we trained to do, good, bad or indifferent. If you are going to carry a pistol with a manual safety if your forget it under stress you are not well trained by definition.

Most modern handguns have a lever in the trigger as their only, but some guns include them for importation purposes, and they can effectively be ignored. But a wise person with such a gun will incorporate it into their training to avoid finding the gun is inadvertently ‘on-safe’ when they need it.

Most modern guns have a manual safety of sorts in the form of a lever on the trigger or similar arrangements that prevent the trigger from being pulled accidentally. These guns have proven overall to be as safe as any other gun, and for most firearms nothing other than basic firearms safety is required for the gun to be handled and operated safely. Glock re-introduced this feature in the Glock 17, and it has been widely adopted since (the original trigger-safeties of this type date back to revolvers from the early 1890s.)

The average owner has neither need or desire for a traditional manual safety, and that’s fine. Many modern designs do not require one other than that trigger-dingus. So why would one opt for a gun with a manual safety?

Guns like the Staccato C2 can be awesome tools for duty or self-defense… but the manual safety is essential to this design.

I can think of some reasons. They may have inherited and older-style gun or a gun with a safety was the best they could afford. Or the gun offers qualities and capabilities that make the manual safety worth putting up with, like superb accuracy and rapid-fire capabilities. Pretty much everyone agrees a good trigger is a huge aid to accuracy, and the best triggers are on single action semi-autos like the 1911 and 2011.

Yeah, yeah I hear people say, “My aftermarket Glock trigger is just as good.’ I think they believe that. I had a friend who was into muscle cars, and he insisted they handled corners just fine. Then he got a modern car with a sport suspension and realized those old cars did NOT actually handle corners well. He just hadn’t any experience with other cars to base his opinion on.

Of course if you grew up with Glock triggers that’s your standard for comparison. You can get a pretty darned decent trigger on a modern striker-fired pistol, and that’s perfectly OK as long as it gives you the results you desire. But I have known more than a few competitive shooters that thought their aftermarket Glock trigger was fine right up until they fired a Staccato or something similar and found it was a great deal easier to get good or even significantly better results with the 2011.

That’s fine too, but the truth is a standard modern trigger will do just fine for most people and even many competition shooters. Nobody else needs the kind of performance that a gun of that *ahem* caliber offers. But it’s not always about need, is it?

OK, we’re getting off into the weeds a bit here. The point is a manual safety works fine if you train properly to use it, and thousands of properly trained people under the stress of action-shooting competitions never forget their safety. If you think that sort of competition isn’t stressful I encourage you to try it.

Of course there are safeties and then there are safeties; some are good and easy to use and some of them, well, suck. Slide-mounted safeties that have to be flipped up for example. In my experience these are usually a pain in the butt and often difficult to use.

Slide-mounted safeties that flip up for off-safe can be difficult to manipulate for many people.

For myself I have been carrying a CZ P-01, and I replaced the manual safety with a de-cocker. I feel the double-action on the first pull is adequate as a safety for me. But I am soon to be replacing that with a custom 1911 variant. It’s slightly smaller than the CZ, about the same weight and holds only nine rounds instead of fifteen. So why would I take the hit in capacity and deal with a manual safety when I have the CZ?

Because we’re all individuals and I value the qualities and capabilities of the new gun over the capabilities of the very, very good CZ. I can shoot it more accurately faster than the CZ, and the training for the manual safety is a non-issue since I cut my teeth on 1911s four decades ago. For me I feel the better shooting qualities and long familiarity of the 1911-based gun outweighs the extra six rounds the CZ carries. Your mileage will absolutely vary of course and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

QA custom alloy-framed 1911 isn’t the best choice for everyone, but it’s the best choice for me. To each their own.

I still hear people say they would never carry a gun with a manual safety because they might forget to deactivate it. These people are genuinely better off not having one, I think. Honestly on most modern firearms they are superfluous so there’s no reason they have to or should. But thinking the very idea of a manual safety is inherently bad? Hogwash. It’s simply a matter of a well-designed safety and correct training.

Stay safe and take care,

Michael Tinker Pearce, 6 March 2023

The 3-3-3 Drill and Individual Self-Defense

7-Yard double-taps. Being able to do this on the range doesn’t guarantee you will be able to do it when it matters. But NOT being able to on the range almost certainly means you won’t be able to when it matters.

There is a thing called the 3-3-3 drill and this fellow wrote a post about it that brings up some very good points. He also draws some conclusions about it that I find questionable and promotes some neo-Fudd lore of his own. OK, now we know where the weeds are, let’s get into them.

What is the 3-3-3 Drill?

‘From the draw fire three shots at a man-sized silhouette at three yards. Success is having all three shots consistently in the A -zone.’

That’s it. A pretty simple drill and as part of a larger training scheme not a bad one. Like any other drill it is not the only thing you should practice, not is it any guarantee that you are prepared. The idea that it is- which I have never heard anyone express- is silly. Drills are training, and well-rounded training will include a number of drills as well as general target practice, mental preparedness, mindfulness, situational awareness etc.

Why is This a Problem?

If you rely on the 3-3-3 drill as your sole training standard you will not be well-prepared, and the author referenced above is correct about this. If you rely on any single drill or standard you will not be well prepared. Shootings are fluid, dynamic, chaotic and individual events. If you carry a firearm or keep one for self-defense you should engage in a variety of training and target-shooting as a matter of due-diligence.

That being said a hell of a lot of people have successfully defended themselves in a self-defense shooting with minimal training. I seriously don’t advise this course, but that doesn’t make it not true.

The Problem With Averages

The conventional wisdom is that the average civilian self-defense shooting occurs at less than three yards and involves less than three shots. I know of no body of statistics that supports this as an average, as the writer being referenced points out. Even if it is a statistically supportable average that doesn’t mean it’s the way any given shooting will transpire. I know of incidents that have occurred at ranges as far as forty feet or even further. They are outliers, but they happen.

Self-defense shootings are chaotic and highly variable in their details. They are also situational, and highly dependent on individual circumstances. I am not sure that averages are useful when contemplating a self-defense shooting.

So What is Likely?

OK, let me start by saying I am not an expert. I have no academic credentials related to this field. I have made no systematic study of this, have written no papers and am not ex-Spec-Ops or a Police trainer.

What I am is a person who has been keenly interested in the topic for four decades. I’ve watched trends come and go, watched society evolve and read hundreds of reports of civilian self-defense shootings and police shootings. I have also watched hundreds, perhaps over a thousand videos of shootings from security footage and seen analysis of many of these incidents. I am not unintelligent, and while I have not quantified the results or engaged in a systematic study I have made some observations. I have a legitimate basis for my opinions, but it is not the last or only word on the subject and my opinion should not be taken as received wisdom. That being said based on the information available to me I can offer some thoughts regarding civilian self-defense shootings.

  1. The majority of them happen at very close range.
  2. In most cases relatively few shots are fired.
  3. I have seen very, very few instances where the shooter needed to reload.
  4. In the overwhelming majority of cases the suspect flees immediately when the shooting starts.
  5. Multiple suspects nearly always means more people running away when the shooting starts.
  6. In very, very few cases was it necessary to shoot more than one assailant.

Based on my observations it seems likely that a self-defense shooting will happen at close range, involve few shots and the bad-guys will flee regardless of the quality or lack of quality of the hits. Does this mean I think that means a five-shot snub-nosed .38 is all anyone needs and they’ll be golden no matter what happens? Absolutely not.

So What Should You Do?

I don’t know you, I don’t know where you live, I don’t know your family, societal or financial circumstances. I don’t know your physical capabilities, your level of skill, training or moral attitudes. But I do know what you should do. You should think. Consider all of these things, think about what threats you are likely to encounter and how you are best capable of dealing with them. Inform yourself and decide how much and what sort of training is necessary and possible for your personal, unique circumstances.

If you read up on the subject consult multiple sources and compare and contrast them, then make up your own mind. Then do the best you can for you.


A Fudd is an old-fashioned person with a limited perspective, often informed by scanty or outright false ideas about guns and self-defense. Lately I have been seeing more and more of what I think of as Neo-Fudds, These are generally younger people with a limited perspective, often informed by scanty or outright false ideas about guns and self-defense. They can be spotted by several attitudes and assertions.

*They act as if every armed encounter will be with a person with an absolute commitment to killing you at all costs.

*They cite multiple assailants as meaning there is an absolute need for a high-capacity weapon and reloads.

*The cite anomalous incidents as things everyone needs to base their decisions on.

*The assertion that if you aren’t prepared for any possibility you aren’t serious about self-defense.

This last one is especially odious. You literally cannot prepare for every possibility, and it’s stupid to try. You need to evaluate what is likely for you, personally, and make your decisions based on that. Bear in mind, it’s still going to be a ‘best guess,’ and in the vanishingly unlikely event that you need to employ a firearm in self-defense you might have been completely wrong regardless of your preparations and forethought. You just have to do the best you can.

Any Advice?


Carrying a gun in a potent caliber with a high capacity when manageable is never bad advice. If stacking the odds is an option why wouldn’t you? But it might not be an option; you might work in a non-permissive environment where discretion is mandatory and outweighs other considerations. A lower-capacity weapon might be sub-optimal, but it’s hardly useless.


Practice however you can. Dry-firing is something pretty much anyone can do, and it’s not complete training but it’s better than nothing. Target shooting is an option for most people, and it’s not complete training but it’s better than nothing. Practice reloads. Practice clearing malfunctions. Practice drawing the weapon from your carry set-up. Practice shooting one-handed and with your off-hand. It all helps.


I don’t expect to need a reload, but I always carry one. Why? Because reloading is often the fastest way of clearing a jam.

Did I mention that your should think?

At The End of the Day…’s on you. You make the decisions, you accept the risks. You know yourself, your life and circumstances. Make the best decisions you can that fit you and your life. Don’t make your decisions based on someone else’s theories, ideas or mythology. Dive as deep as you feel comfortable and is practical for you.

Also you need to understand that anything you decide will be a compromise, and anyone that tells you different is probably selling something. Only you can decide what compromises to your own life are necessary and prudent. The more information you base those decisions on the better off you will be, but you need to examine that information critically. Garbage in, garbage out.

Stay safe and take care,

Michael Tinker Pearce, 26 February 2023

Not the Sensitive Type, But Recoil is a Thing

Taurus Model 415 .41 Magnum, rapid-fire at seven yards.

I am apparently not the person you should ask about a gun’s recoil. Some people are recoil-sensitive, and I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I am recoil-insensitive. People say things like ‘The Sig P365 is pretty snappy!’ and I have no idea what they are talking about. Seems fine to me.

I’m no rocket scientist, but I do grasp basic physics. All other things being equal a smaller, lighter gun will have a higher recoil impulse. This can be mitigated by the grip and to some degree the locking mechanism (or lack thereof) but the raw force of recoil will be the same.

I cannot help but notice this matters more to some people than to others, and it matters less to me than to some. Let’s be clear, this doesn’t mean I can shoot a .45-70 Derringer all day long and not notice. But when it comes to service-caliber weapons it’s a little harder for me to judge.

OK, no one has ever objected to the recoil of this little S&W. The caliber, however, is sub-optimal.

There are guns that I find unpleasant to shoot, but they tend to be outliers like the Detonics Pocket 9, a straight-blow-back subcompact 9mm. With aluminum grips. Ouch. Let’s face it, I am a big guy with a lot of experience shooting a variety of handguns. Lots of standard-for-comparison and a lot of mass to soak it up. It makes sense that I might be less aware of recoil than some other folks, right?

It does, but that’s not it. I have come home from shooting sessions, particularly small guns in large calibers, and felt it in my strong-hand. I’ve come to realize it’s not that I don’t feel the recoil, it’s that I don’t care.

I have come to judge recoil by a different standard. Being focused on self defense and to a much lesser degree action shooting competition I want fast, accurate follow-up shots. Because of this I tend to judge recoil not by the energy of the recoil impulse but by how fast the gun comes back on target.

The Detonics Combat Master, a very small .45 ACP pistol. Yeah, recoil is substantial, but the gun comes back on-target super-quick.

This focus on the gun’s performance overrides noticing the ‘kick’ of the gun, much like when I am hunting I have never noticed the recoil impulse of the shot. My attention is focused elsewhere. Just say I am ‘result-driven.’

So I guess you shouldn’t ask me how hard a gun ‘kicks.’ Odds are I haven’t the slightest idea. I mean, unless it’s something obviously stupid, like an air-weight .44 Magnum. In case you were wondering that’s going to kick like a mule on meth. If you hate yourself and covet wrist injuries I can recommend that one whole-heartedly.

OK, fine, I hear you cry. ‘I won’t notice in the heat of the moment.’ Yes, you will. You’ll notice that you missed because you never practiced with the gun. To me this is why recoil matters. If you find the gun unpleasant to shoot you won’t shoot it. If you don’t shoot it you won’t get good with it. Yes, you can dry-fire practice, but that will only take you so far; you also need to used to re-acquiring your front sight after recoil and other things you can only get from shooting the gun.

The LWS380 is the smallest .380 ACP on the market. Recoil is intense.

I have heard the ‘won’t notice if I need it,’ argument applied to the Seecamp LWS .380, which has absolutely brutal recoil. I also hear that doesn’t matter because it’s only meant to be fired at near-contact range. Fair, but if what was meant to happen did you would never be in a shooting. Civilian self-defense shootings are so rare that you’ve already blown the odds, and you might need to shoot at 5, 10 or 15 yards. The Seecamp, being tiny and lacking sights, is a difficult gun to shoot well. It can surprise with its performance, but only if you practice. And if a gun hurts to shoot you won’t.

Whatever gun you rely on you need to practice with it. The more the better. Isn’t it funny how these conversations always wind up right back at that fact? Make sure you like to shoot that gun too. If practice is enjoyable you’re more likely to do it.

Stay Safe and Take Care,

Michael Tinker Pearce, 3 February 2023