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Food For Thought: Selecting a Concealed-Carry gun

Times change and we change, and we may perceive our needs differently as our lives progress. Selecting a concealed carry pistol is an ongoing process. When I was a young man in my twenties I suffered from a combination of ‘kid in a candy store’ and champagne taste on a tap-water budget.

One of my early CC guns was a Detonics. I was spoiled, but too fickle to keep my hands on either it or the other two I owned in that period. A few years back my wife bought me this one, and I’ve learned. This one isn’t going anywhere!

I swapped and traded and spent the rent on this or that. I changed guns almost as often as I changed my underwear (which was very often.) These days I tend to think of that decade as ‘The Stupid Years’ for reasons that go far beyond guns. But as a consequence I developed a wide appreciation for a variety of handguns, even if I never really achieved the sort of expertise I might have sticking to a single gun.

At the end of my twenties I took on my career, and for a decade or more I lived, ate, slept and breathed my job. Whatever gun was on-hand would do, and while I changed guns now and again it was not central to my existence. Then I entered what I call, with blinding optimism, the ‘Adult Years’ of my gun life. I’ve still changed carry guns, but it’s been more situational than dictated by meager finances or whim. Our evolving knowledge about handgun effectiveness, civilian self-defense shootings and advances in gun technology has frequently informed my choices.

I was gun/caliber agnostic (within rational limits) for many years. Most civilian self-defense incidents (CSD) end if not when the gun is presented then almost always when shots are fired. The baddies are looking for a score, not a gunfight. Committed Attackers (people who are willing to die as long as they can take you with them) are rare in CSD shootings but they happen. Not often, but it’s a thing to think about.

The Modern Threat Environment

The crimes likely to affect the average civilian are attempted robberies or sexual assault. In both cases the odds are the bad guy will run when shot. We call this the FIBS (Fuck! I’ve Been Shot) syndrome. If you count on the odds pretty much any gun in any caliber and any level of skill will be sufficient. ‘But what about multiple attackers?’ I hear you cry. Most of the time multiple attackers just means more people running away.

But here’s the rub; the odds that you will ever need a gun for self defense are very, very low. If you’ve already beat steep odds against needing to shoot can you really afford to take a chance you’ll beat the odds against a Committed Attacker?

There is also, sadly, an increased incidence of mass-casualty shooters and ideologically motivated violence. These perpetrators are, for the most part Committed Attackers. If you find yourself facing one of these individuals you need to be able to get a ‘Hard Stop.’ That means removing their capacity to act as quickly as possible. The only reliable ‘instant stop’ is a solid hit to the central nervous system, meaning the brain or upper spine. But that’s a hard target in the middle of a gunfight; your best bet to stop them quickly is with multiple hits center-mass, preferably with a potent caliber using effective modern defensive ammunition.

We need to consider these factors, our tolerance for risk and the likelihood of encountering such an attack. That is to say the least a tricky proposition. It may well be worth erring on the side of caution.

Address Your Needs Realistically

There are a lot of these. Is your work-environment non-permissive? Your friends and family? Do you need to compromise on your carry gun to accommodate this? What’s the climate like and what sort of clothes can you wear without standing out and/or being uncomfortable? What sort of guns fit your wardrobe profile?

Realistically what is your threat profile? Let’s stick to reasonable threats, if you don’t mind. You can what-if yourself to insanity here, and the simple fact is you cannot be prepared for every possible threat. Model your assessment of threats based on reality and hope for the best; it’s all any of us can really do.

It’s easy to say ‘dress around the gun,’ but it’s not always easy to do in real life. I mean, if you have a life. You’re going to casual outdoor wedding on a 90 degree summer day. Because of family relations you cannot skip it. Let’s see you dress around your CZ75 Shadow then, hmmm…?

Considering Your Gun Options

In a perfect world a compact service-caliber semi-automatic with a high capacity is a perfect compromise. But we don’t live in that world, and perfect compromises are rare on the ground. People are short, tall, skinny, fat and everything in-between. People’s strength, physical ability and coordination vary. So do the amount they are able or willing to train. There is no single solution or one-size-fits-all answer.

Paradoxically for a person who does not/cannot train one of the better choices is the oldest: the revolver. It’s extremely simple to use, unlikely to jam or to be impeded by neglect. They almost never jam, but if it does the gun is effectively out of the fight. They come in practically every modern caliber and don’t care about power levels (appropriate to the cartridge,) bullet-weight etc. ‘If it seats it yeets.’

S&W J-frame revolvers in .38 Special have long been a favorite for concealed-carry, but they can be difficult to shoot well.

I really don’t recommend someone that doesn’t want to train carry concealed, but in real life there are a thousand things that can limit or otherwise interfere with extensive training. Revolvers are excellent for dry-firing, simple to operate with a limited manual of arms. This can make them a good choice for some people. hell, some people just find them easier and more comfortable to use.

As a caveat I do not think any single-action revolver is a good option in the modern world. For any but the most expert they are slower to fire accurately than double-action revolvers of semi-automatic pistols. As far as reloading in the fight? Forget about it.

In General…

..the advice to carry the most potent weapon you can reasonably carry is a good start. It’s also axiomatic that no one has ever come out of a shooting saying, ‘Man, I wish I’d had less ammo!” High capacity is unlikely to be decisive; potency of the cartridge is unlikely to be decisive…

Guns like the CZ P-07, Glock 19 and similar guns can be a great choice for a ‘do it all’ gun, but for may people they are too large to fit every circumstance.

…unless you face a Committed Attacker. Then they could be the difference between living and dying. So, best to sacrifice those as little as possible if you can manage it. With the plethora of very compact 9mms with ten-round magazines it’s likely you can find something to suit you unless climate or life make even these options hard to carry discreetly. If even those are too much there are a near-equal variety of ten-shot .380s, and there’s some very decent defensive loads for these.

When you get to calibers smaller than .380 ACP options get limited, and in some cases availability can be an issue. You also run into the problem that in the smaller calibers you usually need to choose between expansion and penetration. OK, .327 Magnum breaks this rule but guns that fire it and ammunition can be hard to find locally.

As the cartridges get less effective your skill needs to increase proportionately. A half dozen .32 ACP, .25 ACPs or .22s to the face or center-mass are probably going to do the job just fine, but in the face of a Committed Attacker you need to be absolutely certain you can put them there under the extreme circumstances of mortal combat. That’s a pretty high bar.

It’s true that any gun gives you better odds than no gun, and that the gun you actually have with you when the fight starts is better than a more capable weapon you had to leave home. But guns like the Beretta Pico in .380 are genuinely not much harder to carry than most .22, .25 or .32 autos and deliver significantly better real-world results. They tend to have better sights and better ammo availability than .25 or .32 ACP too.

The Beretta Pico .380 ACP is quite small and very, very flat, which really helps in concealed carry.

Ammunition cost and availability is definitely a factor; you can’t practice if can’t find/afford cartridges. 9mm, .380 ACP and other service calibers are pretty easy to find and reasonably affordable. Others not so much. It needs to be considered.

The Seecamp LWS380 is beyond small; it’s TINY. It’s the last word in concealment, but recoil is brutal. Makes practicing a rather dubious proposition…


It’s not likely that you can find one gun that will fit every situation and circumstance; it’s best to have options if possible. I have a main carry gun and several options to fit different circumstances. They all represent compromises, but that’s how real-life is.
Whatever you choose in the end it absolutely must be reliable, and if at all possible it should be a gun you can afford and are willing to practice with.

Stay safe and take care,

Michael Tinker Pearce, 20 November 2022

My Five Top Choices For Home Defense (based on what I have.)

Look, we’re all individuals with different lives and different circumstances, budgets etc. My top choices will probably not be your top choices; in many cases they can’t be because some of these guns are one-of-a-kind. This is mostly just a mental exercise peculiar to me, but it can be food for thought for you. One thing we do have in common regardless of our experience, skill and budget: the absolute, number-one consideration is reliability. If anyone going to bet on a gun it needs to work first and foremost. So here’s my choices:

#1 AR-Based 9mm

This is a Franken-gun, and a compromise with my budget. Aero Precision EPCC lower, Foxtrot Mike 9mm upper, Timney trigger, Magpul grip etc. Yes, that’s a Bushnell TRS25; it’s outdated but it’s a robust and reliable optic. As budget allows it will be replaced by a more capable unit with better features, but it will do the job.

The reasons why this is my first choice (with reliability as a given) is that shoulder arms are easier to fire quickly and accurately, and more stable with multiple points of contact. It’s also small enough to maneuver easily in close-quarters. With a 30-round magazine I’m unlikely to survive any situation that requires a reload. The fact that it’s visually intimidating is definitely not irrelevant.

#2 CZ P-01 Omega

Excellent track record, hyper-reliable, 15-round magazines. It’s a time-proven design, and with the full CJW trigger set-up it’s a delight to shoot. I’ve never had so much as an ammunition-related malfunction with it. The double-action first shot gives a bit more of a feeling of security.

With the improved trigger, excellent recoil management and ergonomics this gun is super-easy for me to rapid-fire accurately, and that’s important; the ability to put rounds on-target fast and accurately is paramount in a home-defense scenario.

#3 Custom Tisas 1911a1

This gun got edged-out by the CZ for two reasons: Capacity and reliability. Magazines hold 10 rounds, and it does not like underpowered 115gr. range ammo. It also had issues with some Sig magazines, but that’s on them, not the gun.

This gun was purpose-built to shoot rapidly and accurately before I got the CZ, and in that regard it holds a small but noticeable edge over the CZ. Not enough to offset the CZs almost supernatural reliability and 50% greater capacity though.

#4 Custom S&W M&P .38 Special

Dropping even further in capacity we come to this. 3″ barrel, custom grips, fantastic trigger, bobbed hammer and other custom features. The Wonderstight adjustable sight is another plus. This gun is a serious shooter.

The last time I had this at the range the RO heard me doing rapid-fire strings, looked up to see what I was shooting and was shocked to see it was a revolver. He was even more shocked when he looked at the target- a 2-1/2″ group centered on the bullseye at seven yards.

While it’s not my first choice (obviously) it’s utter reliability and superb accuracy win it a place on the list.

#5 Custom 1911a1 .45 with Ported Barrel

I really dithered over this one. It’s another Franken-gun, but this time designed for competition. It took 5th place because it has less capacity than the other autos and importantly less test-firing. Mind you the only reliability issues were ammo-related (cheap re-manufactured range ammo failing to ignite and some after-midnight reloads I screwed up)

The barrel porting makes it as fast on-target as the 9mms and it’s a great gun, but I just don’t have the confidence I do in the guns higher on the list yet. Maybe next year this will edge one of them out.

Again, this list is very specific to me, and your mileage will definitely vary.


JC Higgins (High Standard) 12-gauge pump shotgun. This is the slickest pump-shotgun I’ve ever handled, and would be a great choice for home-defense but I just haven’t practiced with it enough.

Detonics Mk.1 Combat Master .45. This gun is ultra-reliable and shockingly good at close-range rapid-fire but the 6+1 capacity and compact format make it a less-good choice than those that made the list.

Custom S&W hand-ejector converted to .45 ACP. Fantastic shooter, very fast to reload… but I’m not as fast or accurate with it as the M&P.


I wouldn’t feel under-gunned with any of the choices or runners-up, but objectively some guns are just better tools for some jobs. Of the guns I have I think I made the right choices. There were a lot of other options, but these guns meet the criteria for reliability, capability and how well I shoot them. As trifectas go that’s pretty hard to beat. No doubt with an unlimited budget I would make some different choices but living in my world doesn’t include financial security, let along massive disposable income.

The take-away? Reliability first, your capability with the weapon second and the weapon’s capability, while not inconsequential, is firmly in last place.

Stay safe and take care,

Michael Tinker Pearce, 13 November 2022

The Seecamp LWS32: The Taming of the Shrew.

The Seecamp LWS32 is the smallest .32 ACP pistol in production. It’s double-action only, has all-stainless steel construction and a magazine disconnect that blocks the slide from being fully retracted in addition to blocking the trigger when there is no magazine inserted. It’s not a light-weight pistol at 11.5 oz. unloaded, but it is tiny. It is limited in the ammunition that will fit in the magazine because it is the same length as the LWS25 in .25 ACP, so cartridges need a short over-all length. In 1985 when these came out they specified Winchester Silvertip hollow-points. Not because they’d expand- they won’t from this gun- but because they were the only commercial ammo that fit in the magazine. Their website has a much longer list these days.

The original Seecamp LWS32, with all the edges nicely chamfered.

These were no longer made and were increasingly collectable, but recently the company’s new owner has put them back in production, carrying over the original features. They also carry over a feature that few people talk about. They are snappy as hell, and depending on your ammunition and the size of your fingers they can be brutal. It’s not how hard it smacks your hand, it’s the trigger-guard mashing into your trigger-finger.

OK, this is a last-ditch self-defense pistol or back-up, and if you need it pain will be the least of your concerns. But I like to practice. Practice is important and if it hurts I won’t want to.

The new production Seecamp. It’s a well made gun, but every corner is sharp on the example I got. I do really like the texture on the new grips.

Recoil is exacerbated by a feature of the new guns: sharp edges. Everywhere there is a corner the edge is sharp. Specifically on the inside of the trigger guard, and this translates, for me and many others, into pain with every shot. In a pocket it will translate into eating it’s way through the lining. Not good. Of course you should use a pocket holster, but it’s so small and light there is a temptation to just drop it in a pocket on occasion.

Being me I decided to fix it by beveling the corners. Then I figured since my trigger-finger catches on the front of the trigger guard when I move from the safe to fire position I should deal with that. The list grew rapidly. Because me.

By the end I’d done quite a lot, and I’ll detail that in the captions.

The first thing was the finger extension on the magazine. This is sharply hooked and too tight for my big fat fingers. It also ground my middle finger against the sharp edge of the trigger-guard. I used sanding drums to open up the hook and smoothed everything out, since like the gun the extension had sharp corners everywhere. The reshaped extension is much more comfortable.
I also cut away the trigger=guard on the right side so I had snag-free access to the trigger. Smoothing all of the edges was next with hand-cut 20 LPI checkering on the front of the grip-frame. The traction, rounded edges and having a second finger firmly on the handle really helps take the sting out of recoil.
Hand-cut serrations on the top of the slide reduces the occasionally obnoxious reflections off the polished stainless slide. Yes, I ported the barrel. More on that later.
Another view of the port, and 40 LPI serrations across the back of the slide to reduce glare. Edges all nicely rounded.
The port was cut through the fixed barrel with a round-file, expanded and shaped the opening with a carbide burr in the Foredom Tool, then finished with a diamond burr and polished.
In this profile view you ca see that all of the edges have been beveled or softened. More comfortable all around!

So what’s the upshot of all of this? The feel of recoil is dramatically improved and no longer punishing. The port was the last thing done, and it makes a noticeable difference. Of course it reduces velocity slightly; in testing this amounted to the loss of 2 ft/lbs. of energy at the muzzle. That seems like a good trade-off!

I’ll need to shoot it a lot more with a variety of ammunition, but I’m very happy with the results so far. OK, maybe it’s a little nuts to do all of this to a weapon of this type. But can you really say your surprised I would? Because after all, me.

Stay safe and take care,

Michael Tinker Pearce, 4 November 2022