I had a real thing for cap-and-ball conversion revolvers for some time, and I still like them. Patron R.R. requested photos of the guns conversions I have done, so here they are:
This is the first- a Cimarron Richards Mason in .38 Special converted to an ‘Avenging Angel-‘ style snub-nose. I converted the grip to a bird’s head, removed the ejector and reshaped the barrel-lug. Getting ready to do a video on this one.
I call this set the ‘Boy’s Night Out’ set. This is a cut-down 1860 Army with a Kirst gated Conversion in .45 and my hand-made .45 Derringer. Also have the cap-and-ball cylinder, loading lever and some cleaning tools.This Remington 1858 ‘Pug’ features a Home-made conversion with a modified loading lever to retain the cylinder-pin and a bird’s head grip.Pretty good shooter at seven yards.
This beast is a reproduction Walker conversion I call ‘Thumper.’ The cartridge is one I made up, a streched .44 Colt I call .44-55 walker. It uses a 200gr. Heel-base .451″ bullet ofver 55gr. of FFFg black powder.
This Avenging Angel is in .38 Colt Short. Thus uses a modified bored-through cap-and-ball cylinder.
here it is in it’s case with hand-made tools and a reloading set-up based around an Ideal reloading tool. The shape of the grip has been changedto make it more concealable.
This Remington in .44 Colt has a Bisley-style grip, lowered hammer-spur and a still-functional loading lever if I were to put a cap-and-ball cylinder in it.
This little 1849 reproduction got the full business- the barrel line to .251, homemade conversion cylinder and converted to a spur-trigger. The Caliber is .251 TCR.
The Remington has a Kirst Gated Conversion.
This one is an 1849 reproduction with a barrel and cylinder lined for .22 LR. I told Linda it’s was a style called an ‘Avenging Angel.’ She said it looked more like an irritable Cherub, and we’ve called it the Cherub ever since.
I lined the barrel of this 1860 with a .360 liner and the cylinder to accept .38 S&W. The grip is Ivy Wood cut in our yard and seasoned in the shop, so this one is called Poison Ivy.
Yes, I made the lined cases. Mostly from wooden boxes bougt on the cheap in second-hand stores.
There’ve been a couple of others, and there are some in the work-in-progress’ stage but this is the most of them. I’ve largely moved on from making conversions; interests change over time but I still love these guns and still shoot them. Lot’s of fodder for future videos!
Conversions are my favorite. Thanks!