OK, it’s been too long since I last posted. This is in part due to being not finished with things worth writing about, too busy with other things and not doing much shooting owing to the local ranges being closed. Living in suburbia has it’s downsides, among them that it’s a long drive to anywhere I can shoot, other than actual shooting ranges.
So, just to catch you up here’s what I’ve been up to. First and foremost, working at my actual job, which is making knives and swords. These are May’s productions:
Sales have been slow, almost like people might have other things on their minds… We’re doing alright though.
The month has not been entirely devoid of gun stuff, however. My main project this month is a thing I have very much wanted to do for the last year or two, which is to make a revolver from scratch. It’s not really ‘ready for prime-time,’ and when I’ve done a range session I’ll be writing a post dedicated to it, but here’s a teaser:
My birthday is in June, and as usual my lovely wife has a plan- this is my mouse-gun birthday. In case any of you are not familiar, the term ‘mouse-gun’ refers to a very small firearm in a small caliber, usually .22 or .25. In this case one is a .25, but the other is a .32 ACP!
These guns will arrive presently, then I’ll need to wait the state-mandated approval period, but they ought to be in my possession by my birthday. When they arrive they’ll each get a full write-up and range review.
The there’s this- a recently acquired Pietta 1860 Army.
I think the 1860 Army is one of the most graceful, beautiful and elegant revolvers ever made. I won’t be shortening the barrel, or changing the grip-shape, but I am planning a five-shot conversion cylinder, most likely in .44 Colt.
Anyway, that’s what I was up to in May, and a preview of what’s coming in June and beyond. Stay safe out there, and take care.
Michael Tinker Pearce, 01 June 2020
I think I missed somewhere that you are a knife/sword maker. My eldest is still a sharp objects fan, the youngest has shifted his love to firearms. Although, that may be cuz you can’t walk in his room without tripping over a knife!
I don’t think I’ve mentioned it very often, so it was probably easy to miss.